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Wallpaper for bodhi linux created with blender 2.59. This time I've been working with UV mapping in blender (that's to apply a bitmap image to a mesh) and investing more work in modelling to make this fan. I used a real fan I got at home as a reference.

Talking about the bitmap images I've used to create the textures, the landscape is a photograph by Orin Zebest of a painting made by Li Huayi, a chinese artist born in 1948. The photo is licensed under Creative Commons being mandatory to give the attribution to the author, so that's already done. The image used for the fan's cloth was taken from a wallpaper, I don't know who is the autor. The image used for texturing the floor-background was taken form plaintextures website. All the bitmaps were edited using the Gimp.

And this is the image:

bodhi fan

As usually, if you want to download it, you have a bigger version (1680x1050) in the Galleries, Wallpapers section.
