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Wallpaper for Bodhi linux created with the Gimp, this time using green colours.

To create the circle of leaves, I used the original logo's leaf and duplicated it seven times, rotating each leaf 45 degrees. Then I merged the eight layers into one and dupicated it once again. I scaled and rotated the new layer 22.5 degrees and I did the same operation once again. I merged the three layers into one and used the deformation G'MIC filters to obtain the leaves that you can see.

The background of the leaves is an old image I made in 3D with Povray, the flower of life. The general background is the CarbonFiber wallpaper I used in the orange Enlightenment logo, but tinted in green and finally I added the Bodhi linux logo.


If you want to download it, you have a bigger version (1680x1050) in the Galleries, Wallpapers section.
